Saturday, 2 June 2007

Automatic Wealth III - The Attractor Factor

"For as a man thinketh in his subconscious mind, so is he". This book is about the infinite power of the subconscious mind and it made a lot of pennies drop for me in respect of understanding God and the Scriptures from a completely new prospective, i.e. from within. As a non religious person I was surprised to find possible and rewarding to learn how to pray. It's a different prayer to the kind I was taught as a kid. First you go into a relaxed semi-hypnotic mood and then you entrust your subconscious mind, and the infinite intelligence, with bringing upon you harmony and the solution to the problem at hand or the materialising of one's desires. Or so I understand it. It's a way of choosing a positive mental state at the beginning and end of the day, nurturing good thoughts and energy and starving negative feelings, such as fear, anxiety, envy. In other words, this book doesn't say anything new, it just says it in a way that has reached me better than other similar books.

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